Thursday, November 20, 2008

Below is an anaylsis of both 'Word' and 'NME' comparing the differences in their reader profiles:

NME and Word Reader Profiles

There are a lot of differences between to two reader profiles of NME and Word Magazine.

To start with, the ways the two magazines have been written are very different. Word Magazine has been written as if it is a story and NME has been written up in bullet points. Word may have written their reader profile just as a story so that maybe they hope that the reader will be able to relate to the story and the sort of lifestyle that had been described. And maybe because of the unusual way of how it has been written may come across as impressive to the reader, giving the impression that Word magazine is impressive. NME has written up their reader profile in bullet points. They may have done this so that they are getting straight to the point of what sort of person would read NME and also to show that this magazine doesn’t mess anything around and only gives the right information needed.

NME has not written their reader profile as a story. This could be because of how they have made their profile. NME has included images within their reader profile and if they were going to make their reader profile as a story, it would be too much text and no room for their images.

Because NME has written their text in bullet points, added detail has been taken away. Unlike Word Magazine, NME comes across as a common entertainment magazine but because Word Magazine has written their reader profile as a story, this has given them the opportunity to make their text as descriptive as possible. Because it has been written in such great detail it makes Word magazine come across as quite an intellectual magazine which most likely include interest about political and cultural stuff and most likely the newest technology.

Also because Word magazine has not included any images, just text, this can also give us the impression that Word is more political and cultural than entertainment. NME has included images on their reader profile. This defiantly looks more appealing to read and the images that have been included are all things that are associated with what is likely to be the interests of the reader who would read NME. If you like any of the images seen, you’re most likely to read the bullet point text but if you look at Word magazine. There’s nothing there to make you want to read the profile. It would have to be out of wanting to read, to make you read the profile. The images used in the NME reader profile are a persuasive way to make you read the text under the images.

Word Magazine has just used text for their reader profile. NME on the other hand has used images and also have used the use of colour. This makes the reader profile look quite professional and also makes it look more official. Because Word Magazine has just used text, it makes it look quite boring also there’s nothing there (colour scheme or logo) to prove that, that piece of writing has come from Word Magazine.

Also from the layout of NME’s profile lets us know it is from NME and that a lot of research and care has gone in to making this profile look appealing and gives out the right message. Word Magazine has none of this and this could be bringing down the expectations of their magazine.

NME has actually included their logo title which adds to making us know for certain that it is official and nicer to look at. Word magazine has just got their text and nothing else. This could make the reader question whether this is the real reader profile for Word Magazine and it once again brings down the expectations of the magazine.

The two different profiles lets us know what sort of target audience they are both aiming their magazines at.

Word magazine had included who they aim their magazine at in their story. Males aged between 30 and 55. Also the way the profile has been made can indicate this such as just having text, written as a story and has just been kept plain and simple. This is probably the most appealing sort of text for the target audience.

NME’s target audience is for younger to older men. We know this from the images used and the facts and statistics stated under the images. Also because of the use of colours and images, this is defiantly more appealing for a younger audience.
Below is an analysis of NME's reader profile:

NME Reader Profile

The layout for NME’s reader profile has been layed out as if it was a poster advertising NME. The main principle of a reader profile could be to advertise NME but the main reason for a reader profile is to let your readers understand what your magazine is all about.

NME has decided to make their reader profile 50% images and 50% writing. This could be a way of making it obvious that NME is not a really serious magazine, and from the images (such as Topman, grand theft auto, shockwaves and Jack Daniels) NME comes across as a magazine that is aimed at men and is all about the latest trends, gadgets and technology and is not anything political or cultural.

All the text is based on facts and statistics. It is not written in full sentences; it is written in bullet points and has small headings for each section. This is a good way of getting to the main point – what the readers are all about, and doesn’t drag on about anything that is irrelevant. The bullet points don’t do into any great detail, they just state their results.

The images are a representation of the interests of the average reader of NME. This is a good way of telling the reader what sorts of things are associated with NME and it is also a good way of not using written words and to make the reader profile look more appealing to read (especially if your hobbies and interests are included in the images).

The reader profile had used colour and has stuck to the rule of only using three colours as a colour scheme. (Blue, White and green). Blue, white and green are popular colours for a man which indicates NME’s target audience. The use of colour puts an professional effect on the profile and helps makes the statements more believable as for it makes you believe that this is official. Also from the layout, it also gives this impression. Another reason that could also help in making the reader believe that this is official is from the title. It is the official NME title.
below: is an analysis of 'Word' magazines reader profile:

‘Word Magazine Reader Profile’
The Reader

The reader profile is summarising the typical reader of their magazine.

The First sentence immediately gives us the age range of the target audience – males aged between 30 and 55. Also in the first paragraph it uses facts and statistics to show that research has been used to widen their knowledge on the average reader ‘’44% of Words readers earn over £50,000 and 11% earn over £100,000’’. This paragraph then goes on to show more facts and statistics on what their average reader would spend on music, films and books. In this case ‘£90 a month’.

The text moves on and starts to talk about the history of what their average reader may of have. This is written as if it is a story, but in a way in which elements of the actual magazine can be included. ‘music was his world’. This indicates that music is included in the magazine and is maybe the main subject of the magazine because ‘music’ means everything to the reader. Other subjects included in this way are ‘a sense of community, language, style and a whole new way of looking at the world’.

This paragraph then goes on to explain that they are different, that they don’t follow the crowd and probably lead the crowd. This is telling the reader that their magazine is unique and most probably upper class because they claim to set all the new trends. The last part of this paragraph explains that he has an ‘’opinion on music and media’’. This is another indication to what is included in the magazine, music and media. Also they are saying that they have an opinion on them. This may mean that again, this magazine stands out and is not afraid of having an opinion.

The third paragraph starts with a reminder of their target age, but this time the paragraph is telling us that this magazine has a very wide target audience. Not only can the magazine be for young 19 year olds interested in music. It can also be for over 30 year olds with families, who has know widened their interests in music and ‘’other forms of entertainment and new technology’’. (This is also what is included in the magazine). Also it repeats that there is still a ‘sense of community’.
The very last paragraph is a summary of what other little bits of media is included. Whether it being a article or a review, this part of the text is just a summary and a way to make Word magazine sound the best it can. It includes radio four, Ian McEwan’s ‘’Atonement’’, the Simpsons, tastes and interests, discover new musicians, authors and movies, the podcast, web radio stream and Facebook
below: is an analysis of 'Word' magazines reader profile:

‘Word Magazine Reader Profile’
The Reader

The reader profile is summarising the typical reader of their magazine.

The First sentence immediately gives us the age range of the target audience – males aged between 30 and 55. Also in the first paragraph it uses facts and statistics to show that research has been used to widen their knowledge on the average reader ‘’44% of Words readers earn over £50,000 and 11% earn over £100,000’’. This paragraph then goes on to show more facts and statistics on what their average reader would spend on music, films and books. In this case ‘£90 a month’.

The text moves on and starts to talk about the history of what their average reader may of have. This is written as if it is a story, but in a way in which elements of the actual magazine can be included. ‘music was his world’. This indicates that music is included in the magazine and is maybe the main subject of the magazine because ‘music’ means everything to the reader. Other subjects included in this way are ‘a sense of community, language, style and a whole new way of looking at the world’.

This paragraph then goes on to explain that they are different, that they don’t follow the crowd and probably lead the crowd. This is telling the reader that their magazine is unique and most probably upper class because they claim to set all the new trends. The last part of this paragraph explains that he has an ‘’opinion on music and media’’. This is another indication to what is included in the magazine, music and media. Also they are saying that they have an opinion on them. This may mean that again, this magazine stands out and is not afraid of having an opinion.

The third paragraph starts with a reminder of their target age, but this time the paragraph is telling us that this magazine has a very wide target audience. Not only can the magazine be for young 19 year olds interested in music. It can also be for over 30 year olds with families, who has know widened their interests in music and ‘’other forms of entertainment and new technology’’. (This is also what is included in the magazine). Also it repeats that there is still a ‘sense of community’.
The very last paragraph is a summary of what other little bits of media is included. Whether it being a article or a review, this part of the text is just a summary and a way to make Word magazine sound the best it can. It includes radio four, Ian McEwan’s ‘’Atonement’’, the Simpsons, tastes and interests, discover new musicians, authors and movies, the podcast, web radio stream and Facebook

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This is my completed contents page from my school magazine

This is my completed front cover of my school magazine
Proposal Form

The brief of this task is to aim a school magazine at 6th formers. I have chosen to aim my product at 6th formers because it would be easier to aim a product at people my own age and because I am in 6th form myself, I have a good understanding of what could be expected and what sort of things should me included.

From my brief it is obvious that my target audience is 6th formers, roughly people aged between 16-18. To find out more about this target audience, in class we did a task that involved having to question people in you class. This helped me with ideas and planning because this task helped me to know what is the average 6th former in our school.

For the working Title I had quite a few ideas. In the end I came up with 7 names that I thought could be included. The first one was HELP! Basically because the bold heading is asking a question and for anyone who had maybe just started 6ht form, this would be very appealing but for people who haven’t might not necessarily think they need help through out 6th form. The second name was ‘’Beyond Studying’’. This could be a good masthead because the title is giving the impression of something else to do with 6th form but that is not actually related to learning and education. The next four ideas I had where just words linked to school and how you can say them differently to make them more impressive and make the magazine seem more appealing, Cultivation (meaning Education), Erudition (meaning learning), Avail (meaning help) and Scholar (meaning student). My last idea was ASTAR. This is my personal favourite because it can apply to anyone in 6th form as for everyone wants to do their best and aim as high as they can as like, we all want that ‘’A*’’.

The general idea behind this magazine is that so you can get updated information about your school, events and opportunities (not just inside of school). The magazine should be quite informal and have a friendly approach to it as if the magazine has been made by students for the students. Not only should it just update information about anything going on in or outside of school. It should be a way of giving advice to 6th form students. This is because the main idea of 6th form is to get A levels and go on to do something else. But sometimes there is a majority of people who don’t know and this magazine could be a way of helping students come to realise what they want to do.

The lifestyle this magazine is promoting is your average teenage, 16 to 18 year old life style. Its not upper class or lower class but a all rounder magazine, can have a different variety of viewers. This magazine isn’t really properly promoting what lifestyle to live by but it is just giving you basic, updated information that might apply to you.

I have already planned 2 different covers in which they are both quite different. From these covers I am going to wait until my questionnaires I had made for my target audience are given back to me and from there I can decide on what to include. Things like what should the main front cover image should be? What sort of colours the colour scheme should be and what name is the best. In my questionnaire I have left some very open questions so that I can let my target audience have an opinion and maybe this will help me plan out my front cover.

So far, I haven’t come up with an final idea but the idea so far is that the front cover shot will defiantly be mid length and the actor will be a 6th form student. There is no definite actor but they will either be showing a personality (maybe of what they feel towards 6th form) or doing something that is linked to school e.g. sports, working, art.

The basic content of the magazine is that it will defiantly include a masthead and most likely have a unique selling point e.g. competition so that it has more reason to read it. The colour scheme will either be consisting of three colours or two. There will defiantly be a main image, the use of smaller images on the front cover – im not sure if there will be. I don’t want the cover to have too much writing on the cover just the main issues so that the audience will be more attracted to it.

The language used on the front cover will be informal and persuasive. This is because of who the magazine is aimed at and anything that is too formal will most likely cause the magazine to be unpopular. Words and phrases that might be used could be things like ‘’FIND OUT MORE’’,’’GUESS WHO’’ and ‘’READ TO FIND OUT MORE’’.

This magazine is a definite alternative to other magazines currently on the market because although there is a wide range of magazines aimed at teenagers there aren’t any that are aimed at school and that can actually be issued in school. Not only does it already include there interests and things that matter to them they also get information that could help them round school e.g. changes in school but it can also help them find out what they want to do later in life (offer advice and help). All these qualities makes this magazine unique because there are no magazines on the market that offer all of this.
Questionnaire results

1) Are you male or female?
Male: 6
Female: 14

2) How old are you?
16: 14
17: 6

3) List three of your hobbies/interests
Singing: 2
Netball: 1
Shopping: 4
Horse Riding: 2
Jogging: 1
Cricket: 1
Drama: 2
Drinking/Partying: 4
Seeing Friends: 10
PC (Video games): 4
Blogging: 1
Music: 5
Table Tennis: 1
Train Spotting: 1
Drawing: 2
Football: 5
Swimming: 2
TV: 2
Tennis: 2
Badminton: 1
Reading: 2
Dancing: 1
Painting: 2
Gym: 1
Chess: 1

4) What are your three favourite colours?
Pink: 10
Orange: 6
Green: 5
Silver: 1
Blue: 13
Black: 3
White: 2
Red: 9
Purple: 6
Yellow: 3
Burgundy: 1
Mauve: 1

5) What do you like most about school?
Socialising: 13
Learning: 2
Drama: 1
English: 1
Going home: 2
Geography: 1

6) If you were to interview someone in school who would it be?
Mr Fishleigh: 2
Mrs Mason: 7
Caretaker: 3
Mr Fishleigh (2): 1
6th Former: 5
Miss Robinson: 1

7) Out of the list below what are you most likely to read in a magazine?
Career Advice: 5
Teacher Gossip: 10
Events in school: 4

8) Who would you prefer to make your school magazine?
Student: 18

9) If a review was to be written what would you read about?
House events: 4
School Trip: 14
Exam Success: 6

10) Out of the names below what would you like your magazine to be called?
HELP!: 3
Scholar: 5

10) If you would like your school magazine to called something else what would you call it?
S.S.S.S – School, Socialise, Students, Success
6th Former
A Teenage Life
Brentwood Gossip!

12) Would you be interested in your school magazine if it included news and events out side of school?
Maybe: 3
Yes: 14
No: 3

13) If a problem page was to be included do you think people would respond to it?
Yes: 13
No: 10

14) Is there anything that is not included in this questionnaire that you would like to see in your school magazine? If so what would it be?
Music News
Party Pictures/embarrassing pictures
Media Questionnaire about School Magazines

1) Are you male or female?

2) How old are you?

3) List 3 of your hobbies/interests

4) What are your three favourite colours?

5) What do you like most about school?

6) If you were to interview someone in the school who would it be?

7) Out of the list below what are you most likely to read in a magazine?
1) Career advice
2) Teacher gossip
3) Events in school

8) Who would you prefer to make your school magazine?

9) If a review was written what would you read about?
House events
School trip
Exam success

10) Out of the names below what you like your magazine to be called?

11) If you would like your school magazine to be called something else what would you call it?

12) Would you be interested in your school magazine if it included news and events outside of school?

13) If a problem/Advice page was to be included do you think people would respond to it?

14) Is there anything that is not included in this questionnaire that you would like to see in your school magazine? If so what would it be?


is a link to my first practise at making a school magazine cover